
Moving Left: A or Left arrow

Moving Right: D or Right arrow.


The characters (the two sprites) must obtain these watering cans and move towards the dead plant to water and revive them.

Minor Issue: The ladders are displayed in front of the player as the Tilemap Renderer of the ladders have an order in layer of 1 while the player has an order in layer of 0 within its Sprite Renderer component.


Most of the interaction within this game is complete, the only interaction that has not been fully implemented yet is the characters climbing ladders.

What I have done

Created a script for when the characters obtain the watering cans in which when they do, the watering can game objects are destroyed and created a script for when the characters water the plants in which when the characters have obtained the watering can and they are near the plant, the plant will be revived (transform to becoming green).

What should you test

Please have a test on the interaction of when the characters obtained the watering can and when the characters watered the plant. Please also have a test on making the characters climb the ladders. NOTE: When the characters are at the bottom or top of a ladder, they cannot move left or right. This problem will be looked into later.

How finish is the game

The game version I am trying to implement for the interaction aspect of the game is 75% complete, the implementations I have to do are to make the characters able to climb ladders and potentially create platform blocks that can appear or disappear based on whether a button have been stepped or not by the characters.  

Development log

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